|THE DIFFERENCE Cost-effectiveness built in Budgets continue to be a challenge for every organisation. No longer is there a place for unrestricted spending within a business and new areas are always being sought where budgets can be more tightly controlled. Conversely, when it comes to legislative compliance, there is no question of cutting corners or saving money by ignoring the requirements. There is, however, potential to carry out responsibilities in a planned, methodical manner, harnessing the benefits of the latest technology which will ultimately reduce time-wasting and the possibility of encountering unforeseen costs. Our dedicated supply chain One of the major differences of the Fire Door Inspection Solutions service is our supply chain, where we have continued access to the entire range of market-leading Leaderflush Shapland (LS) and TDSL products, thanks to our sister company’s purchase of LS’s intellectual property and product range. Our technical expertise means that these already established leading-edge products can be inspected, maintained and repaired or further upgraded or replaced by a dedicated team of professionals. IDSL Our service is further supported by our direct access to the manufacturing facilities of our sister company, IDSL. With the benefit of their two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities we can ensure that we can deliver compliant high quality products within days or indeed in some instances within hours of a client’s request.